Saturday, July 6, 2013

Ignoring and being ignored.

Have you ever called a friend or family member only to have them not pick up? You know that phone conversation you've been looking forward to ALL DAY but they are too busy to pick up for you? You KNOW they are busy and that they will probably call you back but still there is a little pang at the sound of the voicemail. However there is a big heartache when days even weeks go by before they ever call back. You might start questioning yourself, are they ignoring me? Are they mad? Did they forget about me?

MAYBE the scenario can be turned around...have you ever gotten days even weeks before calling back a good friend that you love but don't make time for? We are ALL busy, we understand that sometimes life can get in the way. BUT oh, the joy when that phone call finally gets made, the conversation, the encouragement and love felt for and from each other, even affirmation and advice are often given during these conversations. Either way ignoring someone or being ignored isn't a good feeling.

Growing up we have been told that prayer and reading the Bible is our way of talking to our heavenly father. There is no better relationship than the one you can have with your dad whenever it is fostered and developed. Do you respond to  his call? Do you return his "voicemail" when something nudges you to pick up your Bible and listen to what he has to say or do you ignore him? for days? sometimes weeks?

The only difference between the previous scenario and what we are sometimes guilty of when we are not consistent with reading our Bibles and prayer is that we don't have to doubt his love for us. God our heavenly father ALWAYS wants a relationship with you and no matter how long we go ignoring him he will love you unconditionally and will always "pick up" when you call. He longs to give you comfort, joy, advice, peace and love...will you choose to call on him today and be consistent with developing a good communication system?

I will take the challenge. will you?
Call to me and I will answer you and tell you
Great and unsearchable things which
you do not know.
Jeremiah 33:3

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