Sunday, July 7, 2013

Loving..."these beasts that stalk the night"...

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love (1 John 4:7-8)
Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.(1 Peter 4:8)
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love (1 Corinthians 13:13)

My 4 year old is a very intense little boy and sometimes his emotions take over his ability to control his limbs and out of his selfishness he hits his brother...maybe he was in front of the TV or maybe he took a toy. Whatever the reason we are trying to help him understand how to better control his emotions.  That his brother is going to be his brother forever. His very best friend always.
I was thinking about this control we are trying to train him to have and how as we get older we claim to "have control" over our emotions because we don't always lash out with our fists to those that hurt us.  Do we really have CONTROL over our emotions?  Most people don't hit with fists (this would be unacceptable much like it is for our son.) but we have learned to "hit" with words, with bitterness, with neglect. Out of our selfishness we mistreat those that have mistreated us. Is this truly "controlling our emotions"? or are we just lashing out in a more acceptable manner. This is such a difficult lesson to learn. To control your emotions and treat others as brothers and sisters. We are teaching our little boy to "control his emotions," a lesson I am still learning to this day. Control doesn't just mean " I'm going to ignore that person that hurt me," it means loving that person anyway. So hard.
THANKFULLY we aren't expected to do it on our own. Have you ever considered that we don't deserve the love of Jesus? How many times have we said, or thought, or done something that hurts our Father in heaven? But he loves us anyway. NOT only does he love us but he loves us SO MUCH that not only does he want to save you from yourself he also wants to help you "control" your emotions. He gives you the power you need to love and to forgive. After all some of these people are your brothers (or sisters) and will be a part of your family forever and your very best whether you like it or not you have to love them. This poem sums it up. It was written by a childhood friend, Phillip Hennosy
These other people we live with, these beast that stalk the night.
Are we to love them? Though they give us pain, embarrassment and their spite?
The ones closest to us, who scratch and claw us right where we confide in them it hurts the most.
Then they cry "it was nothing silly fool" and begin to boast.
Are we to love them as commanded by God?
Even though they seem to
apathetically beat us down to sod.
Yes I think yes indeed... For like us aren't they also in need?
Have they not been scratched and clawed in their own?
To be a beast and hunt is all they’ve ever known.
Their wounds and scars hidden by their game.
Perhaps it is the only way they know to deal with the pain.
And weren't we not also once beasts ourselves all the same?
Rescued from the pain, the blood and the ashes.
Brought up, transformed, Dressed in beautiful linens and golden sashes.
Protected by our father who no creature can strike.
We are to tangle with these monsters and help bring them to the same light.
Now with our pain quickly to subside and our wounds swift to heal.
This is our duty now to help them. This is what is real.
We should see these predators not as our foe.
But as fellow beings, and God’s love are we to show.
~ Phillip Hennosy

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